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Как генерить доки

dita --input=sequence.ditamap --format=html5 --output=output/sequence --args.input.dir=/absolute/path/to/dita-ot-dir/docsrc/samples --propertyfile=properties/sequence-html5.properties
bin/dita --input=/home/linukosha/dita/dita-ot-3.5.4/docsrc/samples/taskbook.ditamap  --format=pdf

This builds sequence.ditamap to HTML5 output in output/sequence using the following additional parameters specified in the properties/sequence-html5.properties file:

# Directory that contains the custom .css file:
args.cssroot = ${args.input.dir}/css/

# Custom .css file used to style output:
args.css = style.css

# Copy the custom .css file to the output directory:
args.copycss = yes

# Location of the copied .css file relative to the output:
args.csspath = branding

# Generate a full navigation TOC in topic pages:
nav-toc = full

ditaval и фильтрация

https://www.webworks.com/Documentation/Reverb/index.html#page/Preparing%20and%20Publishing%20Content/Preparing%20DITA%20Files.1.06.htm For conditional text, DITA uses filtering to determine the user or audience that will be viewing the help content. Using a file called a “ditaval” file, you can control the filtering of the content that will be generated as output. You can place ditaval files next to ditamap files using the name of the DITA map files that they are to be applied to similar to this:

<ditamap name>.ditaval

With ePublisher you have 3 additional ways to handle ditaval files. The ditaval definitions are looked for in the following order. *Per Target: Targets\<Target Name>\Adapters\xml\scripts\dita\default.ditaval *Per Format: Formats\<Format Name>\Adapters\xml\scripts\dita\default.ditaval *Entire project: Formats\Adapters\xml\scripts\dita\default.ditaval The following example shows an example of how filtering works with the ditaval markup:

  <prop att="audience" val="web" action="exclude" />

The attributes within prop determine the action and who sees the material that is defined in the output.

  • action
    • include - Includes the content in output. This is the default behavior unless otherwise set.
    • exclude - Excludes the content from output (if all values in the particular attribute are excluded).
    • passthrough - Include the content in output, and preserve the attribute value as part of the output stream for further processing by a runtime engine, for example runtime filtering based on individual user settings
    • flag - include and flag the content on output (if the content has not been excluded).
  • att
    The attribute to be acted. This must be one of props, audience, platform, product, otherprops, or a specialization of props. If the att attribute is absent, then the prop element declares a default behavior for any conditional processing attribute.
  • val

The value to be acted upon. If the val attribute is absent, then the prop element declares a default behavior for any value in the specified attribute.

Из руководства, шо нужно дополнительно

Software required for core DITA-OT processing DITA-OT requires the following software applications: Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK)

DITA-OT is designed to run on Java version 8u101 or later and built and tested with the Open Java Development Kit (OpenJDK). Compatible Java distributions are available from multiple sources: You can download the Oracle JRE or JDK from oracle.com/technetwork/java under commercial license.

OpenJDK is a free open-source implementation of Java available from adoptopenjdk.net. Amazon Corretto is an OpenJDK distribution from aws.amazon.com/corretto. Note: This is the only prerequisite software that you need to install. The remaining required software is included in the distribution package.

Apache Ant Provides the standard setup and sequencing of processing steps. DITA-OT includes Ant version 1.10.6. You can download Ant from ant.apache.org.

XSLT processor Provides the main transformation services. It must be compliant with XSLT 2.0. DITA-OT includes Saxon version You can download Saxon from saxon.sourceforge.net.

Software required for specific transformations Depending on the type of output that you want to generate, you might need the following applications:

ICU for Java ICU for Java is a cross-platform, Unicode-based, globalization library. It includes support for comparing locale-sensitive strings; formatting dates, times, numbers, currencies, and messages; detecting text boundaries; and converting character sets. You can download ICU for Java from icu-project.org/download.

Microsoft Help Workshop Required for generating HTML help. You can download the Help Workshop from msdn.microsoft.com.

XSL-FO processor Required for generating PDF output. Apache TM FOP (Formatting Objects Processor) is included in the distribution package. You can download other versions from xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop. You can also use commercial FO processors such as Antenna House Formatter or RenderX XEP.

Ярлыки: juststarted

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